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European Maritime Day

Where to find accommodation in Svendborg and nearby cities, such as Odense and Nyborg?

18 DECEMBER 2023
EMD Svendborg - Accommodation during the conference
© Knud Mortensen

There are several hotels near the conference venue, the city center, the harbour, the shopping streets, and the beach. The conference will take place in the SIMAC building, which is a 5-minute walk from the train station, the shopping streets, and most of the hotels.

Nordre Kajgade 9A
5700 Svendborg

Svendborg – capital of the archipelago

Vibrant culture on the shipyard island

© Banff people

Frederiksø is an old shipyard island that has been transformed into a cultural hub. The shipyard buildings now house art galleries, artisanal workshops, a bike repair shop, a concert venue, and the Danish Yachting Museum. You can also rent boats, play pétanque, or enjoy a picnic on the quay. In the summer, there are big pop and rock concerts as well as an opera festival. The island is still home to two active shipyards, so you can still see large steel ships and impressive schooners. Frederiksø is a unique mix of old and new, wood and steel, industry and culture.

How to get to Svendborg

© Lasse Hjort
  • Getting to Svendborg by plane: The two main airports in Denmark are Billund and Copenhagen, but you can also fly to Aalborg or Odense.
  • From Copenhagen Airport: Take the train to Nyborg or Odense, and then take the bus or train to Svendborg.
  • From Billund Airport: Take a bus to Odense, and then take the train to Svendborg.

Note that the bus from Billund to Odense may have multiple stops, so it may take longer than the train.

If you come by car, you can drive directly to Svendborg. There is a free bridge from the west side and a toll bridge from the east side. You can pay the toll directly at the bridge.